Do You Get Ready-To-Wear Guilt?

Do you? I do. Is it being a sewist and because I can do it myself so I feel like I’ve been duped when I buy something I can easily make? Is it fast fashion/sweatshop guilt? All of the above? I dunno. Probably.

Have you done the Stitch Fix thing? no, this is not a review or a pitch.

stitchfix blog
stitchfix blog

I did a couple months of that Stitchfix service. Don’t worry – you can click that – it’s NOT and affiliate link and it goes to their blog not their sign up. Don’t get me wrong – it’s totally fun. I liked it. As a wicked busy working mom, it was great. I do like bargain hunting, but for paying full retail without the hassle, it was fun. I even bought a top.

A top that is almost exactly like the Aberdeen in Seamwork that I HAVE a subscription to…queue guilt and feeling lame. And a loss of $46. I wear it all the time…but I could have made it. I should do a “who made it better!”

I digress.

I did NOT, however, fall for all the cute sleeveless tops or basic dresses. Shirt above aside, I’m not going to buy something I can whip up in a couple hours. I have a LOT of Renfrews and Sorbettos and hacks there-of I never post – see:

Sorbetto hack with sheer yoke
Sorbetto hack with sheer yoke
Renfrew White
Renfrew White
Renfrew Red
Renfrew Red

I know I can whip these up from practically remnants, so I just can’t fork out $50 for a sleeveless shell. Not going to happen.

Where do you draw the line? I’m not going to make shoes anytime soon, and I don’t find bags fun/worth the effort all that often. But I’m having a hard time even buying pants – because I should be making that shit. Right? Jackets are easy enough, right? I think so and they’re fun. I know there’s a trend in our community of going full handmade only. I dunno. I made some underwear recently, and that was fun, but I don’t get a thrill from swimsuits. I mostly just don’t have the patience for them. Do I draw the line at “I don’t wanna?” I certainly can’t buy a quilt. I’m too picky for that now.


I certainly have a retail block for myself. I haven’t made jeans yet, but that Ginger Jeans pattern is sure tempting.

But $50 for a sleeveless shirt shipped overseas just ain’t doing it for me anymore.

Renfrew white and dorky face
Renfrew white and dorky face

2 Replies to “Do You Get Ready-To-Wear Guilt?”

  1. Oh man, I get such RTW guilt! I find it nearly impossible to buy clothing these days! I found myself equivocating over a dress from American Apparel that was in a super fun rayon print, that fit me, and was on sale. But I was still like, “BUT I COULD TOTALLY MAKE THIS!” In the end I bought it and was so happy I did- for crying out loud, it’s made in the US… why was I so jammed up about it?! I actually like sewing swimsuits, but I’m not interested in making bras or underwear. I also prefer to buy jeans rather than sew them. I’m just not perfectly happy with the fit of my handmade jeans and I don’t love the fabric.

    1. totally. I get in a time crunch with all the sewing I WANT to do and life-stuffs, but do I NEED it so bad I can’t wait until I can make it? rarely. and, shoot, levi’s never did me wrong. lol. I’m not sure I want to fight with my machine over denim. half the time I work from home anyway, so I’m just not all that fancy.

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