Ms. Viking Is On Vacation

AAArrrrgh. This has been a weekend. I drove over a bolt on Friday and spent a good chunk of the day at Les Schwab. I didn’t lock my car Friday night and someone ransacked it by Saturday morning. Seriously. You know what they got? Old Starbucks cups and stale Cheerios to go with their bad, bad Karma. Of course, with that logic, I did something to deserve it, so there’s that. 

THEN the 7 and 8 year old take off to go spend almost a week in Disneyland with their grandparents! I’m going to have SO MUCH TIME TO SEW!!!!


Ms. Viking decided she wanted her yearly tune-up RIGHT MEOW. I changed my bobbin, I changed my needle, I keep her clean, I put in expensive thread….she doesn’t care. The bobbin is doing some funky loopy-loopy snag thing that won’t stop no matter what I do. I cried. Begged. Nothing.

In she went. For 7-10 days!!! I’m going to die. You know this right? DIE. I don’t wanna knit/crochet/embroider…I wanna sew! They do this on purpose, you know. The dealers. They get you hooked, so that when they take it away you have to buy a ‘back-up machine.’ Dealers is right. Well, hello Juki…Yes it is the Christmas In July sale…dammit!

To keep myself from buying the Juki, I’m cutting. Cutting, cutting, cutting. Oh, and I do have an Ottobre post and I have my 2 Renfrews finally ready to post soon. Meanwhile…cutting….

MAWR cutting
MAWR cutting

Let’s see how long I resist the Juki….anyone taking odds on that?